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Jak velké firmy využívají coworkingové prostory k podpoře své inovační kapacity?

Věda a výzkum

Doba řešení: 1. března 2022 - 28. února 2023
Řešitel: Ferhat Demir, MBA
Pracoviště: Fakulta podnikohospodářská
Katedra podnikání (3040)

Samostatný řešitel
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
program: Interní grantová agentura VŠE
Celkový rozpočet: 242 920 CZK
Registrační číslo F3/6/2022
Číslo zakázky: IG304022
The past decade has witnessed a significant increase of research interest in coworking spaces. Coworking spaces evolve, and new models have been launched for specific needs of niche groups. In recent years, large firms strongly cooperate with coworking spaces or initiate their own spaces, although coworking spaces are still extremely popular for startups and freelancers. “Corpoworking” is an emerging phenomenon deserved to be researched and analyzed extensively. However, the different objectives and motives of the established companies behind engagement in the coworking movement remain unclear.

This study aims to explore the role of coworking spaces in supporting internal innovation (intrapreneurship) capabilities of corporations. The main research question is how large firms exploit coworking spaces to support their innovation capacity? We aim to find out types and features of coworking spaces that corporations create or collaborate with. Also, this research attempts to empirically derive and propose a typology of coworking space uses, assessing forms and characteristics of coworking spaces, and objectives and motivations of corporations.

We use qualitative research methods to explore the subject on the sample of organizations which relocated and joined the “corpoworking” movement. To understand desired outcomes, motivations, goals and performance indicators of corporations, 15 + cases shall be explored by conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews. After analyzing each case to establish an understanding of the corporate-coworking space engagement, an in-depth case study shall be developed around the most open and interesting organization. We aim to contribute to the corporate innovation and coworking literature from the perspective of established firms that adopt coworking as part of their overall innovation strategies.